« BlogERP Links 03/11/2011 | Main | Next Practices: Crowdsourcing Talent »


Bill Kutik

Welcome back, Jim. We did miss you. Get Gartner to ease up on your day job, so you can talk to all of us.


Thanks, Bill. Life has also intervened as we recently bought a new house and moved. So, hopefully, as things settle down, I will have more bandwidth to post.

Alastair Watson

Welcome back Jim. An interesting perspective above. Now if you could offer some help with a couch I have stuck in a staircase.

Mike Kennedy

Welcome back, Jim. Will look forward to reading more from you as your last line re: the "back to front" approach resonates.

Will take your suggestion and read "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency."


Thanks, Alistair and Mike.

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